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Bathsheba- Paul Cezanne
Another woman mentioned in Jesus' genealogy is only referred to as "Uriah's wife" (Matthew 1:6), emphasizing the fact that BATHSHEBAbecame King David's wife only after committing adultery with David, who then arranged for her husband to be killed in battle to cover up their shame (2 Samuel 11-12). Again, shame is often assigned to Bathsheba because she was bathing on the roof of her house when her beauty happened to catch the king's eye.

Bathsheba was from David's own tribe and the granddaughter of one of David's closest advisers. She was the mother of Solomon, who succeeded David as king, making her the Queen Mother.
The story is told that David, while walking on the roof of his palace, saw Bathsheba, who was then the wife of Uriah, having a bath. He immediately desired her and later made her pregnant.

In an effort to conceal his sin, David summoned Uriah from the army (with whom he was on campaign) in the hope that Uriah would re-consummate his marriage and think that the child was his. Uriah was unwilling to violate the ancient kingdom rule applying to warriors in active service. Rather than go home to his own bed, he preferred to remain with the palace troops.

After repeated efforts to convince Uriah to have sex with Bathsheba, the king gave the order to his general, Joab, that Uriah should be placed in the front lines of the battle, where it was the most dangerous, and left to the hands of the enemy where he was more likely to die. David had Uriah himself carry the message that ordered his death. At the news of his death, we are told that Bathsheba mourned for Uriah, which makes us wonder what her part in the whole affair really was.

David & Bathsheba- Chagall
David's action was displeasing to the Lord, so He sent David's close friend  Nathan the prophet to reproved him for his actions.The king at once confessed his sin and expressed sincere repentance. Bathsheba's child by David was struck with a severe illness and died a few days after birth, which the king accepted as his punishment.

David made the now widowed Bathsheba his wife. David is clearly the one in control. The difference in status and power would have made it impossible for Bathsheba to resist David's advances. What we learn from this sordid affair is that God can transform situations and bring about newness and hope. David repented of his sin and had a genuine marriage with Bathsheba, resulting in the birth of Solomon, known for his wisdom.

Even where society did not encourage the inclusion of females in genealogies, the faith of these four women of the Old testament  was so strong they burst out of the confines of the socially accepted norm. God is able to take those who appear insignificant and unlikely to succeed and transform them into important witnesses to the power of God! An Advent lesson for us all!

David & Bathsheba- Chagall

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