Lord of my heart, give me vision to inspire me, that, working or resting,
I may always think of You.
Lord of my heart, give me light to guide me, that, at home or abroad,
I may always walk in Your way.
Lord of my heart, give me wisdom to direct me, that, thinking or acting,
I may always discern right from wrong.
Lord of my heart, give me courage to strengthen me, that, among friends or enemies,
I may always proclaim Your justice.
Lord of my heart, give me trust to console me, that, hungry or well-fed,
I may always rely on Your mercy.
Lord of my heart, save me from empty praise, that I may always boast of You.
Lord of my heart, save me from worldly wealth, that I may always look
to the riches of Heaven.
Lord of my heart, save me from military prowess, that I may always seek Your protection.
Lord of my heart, save me from vain knowledge, that I may always study Your word.
Lord of my heart, save me from unhealthy pleasures, that I may always
find joy in Your beautiful creation.
Lord of my heart, whatever may befall me, rule over any thoughts and feelings,
my words and actions. Amen. (Source Unknown)
Art: Arturo Olivas, RIP (Original work done for our monastery on Shaw)